Our Mission

Church Life

The life of the first-century church was naturally missional. As such, we should always be seeking to proclaim Christ’s love to others by:

  • Not forsaking our gathering together, devoting ourselves to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer. 
  • Loving one another and developing authentic relationships as a family of families, according to God’s household order.
  •  Demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus by integrating biblical principles in our lives and living them
    out as a church family.
  • Expressing Christ’s forgiveness and redemptive work by meeting each other’s needs and bearing one another’s burdens.
  • Living in a way that encourages unbelievers to ask for the hope that’s within us and boldly sharing the gospel through everyday life and conversations.

Evangelism & Local Mission

Paul’s missionary efforts always began with a strategic preaching of the gospel message. We should evangelize our community by:

  • Identifying people who may be receptive to the message of salvation and sharing an accurate, culturally relevant gospel message.
  • Earning a good reputation within our neighborhoods and city, engaging those in our spheres of relationships and introducing them to our church family.
  • Seeking the welfare of our communities and meeting the pressing needs of those around us.
  • Prioritizing opportunities where we can build authentic relationships with unbelievers so they can witness the love of Christ through our church.
  • Baptizing new believers into the church and its mission.

Church Planting

We are committed to growing through the multiplication of new local church communities. We will plant churches by:

  • Praying and fasting for church planting work within our network.
  • Expanding churches into new local communities when size and/or distance becomes a barrier to authentic Christian community.
  • Sending mature believers called by the Holy Spirit to strategically share the gospel and establish new local churches.
  • Supporting those involved in church planting work, freely using our financial resources to accomplish the task.


When unbelievers accepted Christ, Paul baptized them and gathered them into local churches. There, they would become a new community and dedicate themselves to the apostles teaching. We will establish churches by:

  • Mentoring every believer toward maturity in Christ through holistic discipleship.
  • Continually establishing all believers in the apostles’ teaching, with a focus on life application and the use of their unique spiritual gifts.
  • Instructing each believer to fulfill their God-given roles and responsibilities within their homes and church.


As churches were established, Paul appointed leaders to oversee them. These Elders, Deacons and leading women were charged with the continued establishment of the church, and were also expected to repeat the cycle, leading to the creation of new churches. We will entrust leaders by:

  • Appointing teams of elders and deacons that meet the biblical qualifications.
  • Identifying potential overseers by helping them clearly identify their gifts, develop their character and accurately handle the word of truth.
  • Developing continued maturity through shepherding the household of God, equipping the saints and entrusting faithful leaders to carry on the teaching.


Church Networks

As our church grows, we will expand into a network of household churches. We will build our church network by:

  • Supporting churches within our network through the giving and receiving of resources.
  • Building an apostolic team that can build relationships and work among the churches, providing counsel, vision and support for the growth and establishment of churches.
  • Encouraging each of our autonomous churches to work together toward a shared vision, connected by relationships and leadership development.
  • Partnering with like-minded organizations (that understand the role, responsibility and authority of the local church) to assist the church in accomplishing its mission.

Global Impact

As we seek to expand our church locally, we will also invest in the expansion and establishment of the church nationally and internationally. We will participate in the global mission of the Church by:

  • Being involved in the work of the Church beyond our local sphere by sending people and resources to support expansion and establishment.
  • Building relationships with leaders in the national and international work we support.
  • Praying for the church planting work we support.