About Us

People, Not Buildings

Today, most people are comfortable with the concept of “going to church.” But we’ve become less familiar with what it means to be the church.

The early Christians understood the church to be a group of people, not a building or service. We seek to continue in this tradition by putting relationships and Christian community at the center of everything we do.

Like the early church, we meet weekly in homes, centered around a shared meal. But our Sunday gatherings are just the beginning of what it means for us to be the church. Together, we are focused on developing authentic, meaningful relationships with one another. This provides the context for us to grow together in our spiritual maturity, while seeking to make an impact on the world around us.

A Family of Families

There are many metaphors used for the church in the bible. The church is described as Christ’s body. His bride. His temple.

But the most powerful image used is of the church as God’s family. That’s because it provides a window into how God designed us to relate with one another in loving Christian community.

Our churches truly function as a family. We share in each other’s joys and bear one another’s burdens. The more mature come alongside those who are young in the faith, knowing that God has given each of us a unique role to play.

All the while, we focus on helping one another make our own families stronger. We align our lives with the biblical roles and responsibilities outlined in the scriptures – because strong families are the foundation of a strong church.

A Church of Churches

When our church grows, we don’t look for a larger place to meet. We start a new one.

Our goal is to expand our churches into new local communities when size or distance becomes a barrier to authentic Christian community. Currently, we have two churches located in the Canton and Jackson/Canal Fulton areas.

As we plant new churches, we’ll continue to maintain our unified identity as a church network. We still meet together regularly, and work together in meeting pressing needs and seeking the welfare of our city.